Today’s episode is full of adventure stories and more learning because… Our guests today are the co-founder, the managing partner at Energea, which is a renewable energy company and investment company. And they’ve been around for about a year. He’s one of the largest commercial and industrial solar firms in the US before he sold…
Mike Silvestrini of Energea
How to Become a Medical Expert Witness with Armin Feldman M.D.
Hello, my friend! This is the first month of 2022 and It’s great to see you here. I hope you can continue to make it a habit to listen to each episode this year, for you to keep learning & have the information that you need. Well, I am honored to have another guest here…
My Financial Experiment- Q3 2018 Update
Welcome back to the Freedom Formula For Physician’s Podcast. If you have been listening to me for the last year, or maybe you’re brand new, what I’d like you to do is go back to the archives, and check out season 3, where I started going through this process of acquiring other assets, trying to…
Creating a Passive Income=FREEDOM with Scott Bossman from Land Bosses
Welcome, my friends to another episode of Freedom Formula for Physician’s Podcast. I have been sharing my own financial experiments with you, and it’s been great having guests on the podcast that I’ve met through those financial adventures. Today my guest is Scott Bossman, another land-flipping colleague of mine, who shares about his own experience…
[Physician Fireside Chat] Doctorpreneur, Survivor, Physician Edna Ma []
Welcome back to our monthly fireside chat with a physician to get to know their journey, their joys, and their struggles with finances and outside of finances. Our next guest is a board-certified anesthesiologist working both in academic/private hospitals in Los Angeles. She is an entrepreneur, an author and a mother of two and a wife….