I am an author, tax consultant, & financial consultant, but most importantly a life-long learner.
This is my personal podcast, dedicated to physicians. It is focused on “financial freedom” and just as importantly, how physicians can engage in healthy & a prosperous mindset! My philosophy is that we can all learn from others and who better to talk to physicians than other physicians and experts in various areas!
I want to see every physician lower their taxes, destroy their debt, and enjoy a joyous, liberated lifestyle so that they can focus on what they love most- their families, their patients, and the activities that give them joy.
I speak and interview folks on a whole host of issues that are important to physicians- burnout, how to protect their families, divorce, taxes, medical school debt, how to be a blogger & author, how to start an independent practice, and much more. I also occasionally speak about the resources that I am discovering.
My goal is to create insightful, relevant content that you can put to work in your personal and professional life. If you are a physician- or aspire to be- then this podcast is for you!
I typically post once per week, sometimes more often. To make sure, you don’t miss my newest posts, you can subscribe by getting a free e-book by clicking on the icon on the right side and get e-mails directly from me, you can follow me on my personal Facebook here and catch all the adventures of my family and I.
My Top Podcasts, Articles, & Videos
If you are new to my site, you might want to start with my most popular content. Here are the top three:
You can also check the archive on the right side bar and search by topic for every podcast I have hosted to find other podcasts that may be of interest.
Why I Serve Physicians
Almost 15 years ago, I started out in the industry as an intern for an independent financial advisor in Seattle, WA and learned
the ropes.
It has been a very long journey since then.
My interest in physicians began in earnest after the birth of Evangeline. You can also check out a couple of videos I put together about her first year here and here.
(I just re-watched the videos before I typed this and tears still stream down my face… )
Evangeline’s incredible journey and the tender love, compassion, and abilities that the fantastic medical team of doctors, fellows, residents, and nurses showed onto our family gave me the inspiration to give back.
Here’s a picture of her happy, healthy, and growing up in 2014!
How could I possibly repay these people and the medical community for the incredible gift of my daughter?
Honestly, there’s no way I ever can.
This website and everything contained within it is the least I can do. Free, educational, and empowering material.
This podcast is truly a passion, a way for me to give back. I love learning and doing this podcast. I hope you love it too!
I continued to be blessed with my family- my wife Cyrena, eleven-year old daughter Gabrielle who is in 6th Grade, and our youngest miracle daughter Evangeline (born 4 months premature!) who was born in May 2012 at a weight of 12.5 oz (3.5 oz shy of 1 pound) and is getting close to starting Kindergarten soon.
Thank you for your e-book and I actually just finished listening to your 2016-05-20 podcast with Ilene B Benator – we were in the same medical class. My website is still under construction. A personal-DIY project. but I’ll leave it down in the box provided. Thank you also for all these materials that we never learned in medical school
Sorry I’m not a doctor. I’m an engineer but I think we have the same struggles. Would you like do a podcast swap?
Here is more info about my podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/simple-passive-cashflow-podcast/id1118795347?mt=2
A little bit about me:
I am a full-time Civil Engineer and Real Estate investor from Honolulu, HI. I currently have a 11 single-family home portfolio with experience in Seattle, Birmingham, Atlanta, Indianapolis, and PA. I am also co-owner of MFPE Investments LLC that currently controls 626 multifamily apartment units.
I journal my experiences in “Simple Passive Cashflow” podcast that I put on iTunes & Google Play. My parents got screwed with the 401K and stock market and it’s my mission to get everyone out the corrupt Wall Street roller coaster and into Main Street invests with safer, higher returns that benefit the middle class of America.
Lane Kawaoka