Have you ever been concerned with a negative review? Are you wondering how you can protect your reputation and build your practice? Then, on top of that… Are you unsure of where to start with all these crazy websites to choose from? Should you use Facebook or Yelp or LinkedIn or Doximity? You may feel…
Kevin Pho- 3 Vital Tips To Managing Your Social Reputation (& Increase Your Income)
Randy Bauman- Make Acquisitions Stick Like Glue
Have you been considering going into private practice, maybe buying a practice… or maybe selling your private practice? Are you feeling unsure of what to do, who to turn to? How does your practice get valued? What’s a fair market price? Should you sell to a hospital system or to another physician? If you have…
Dr. Pamela Wible, MD- How to Break Free of the Machine and Run an Incredible, Profitable, & Prosperous Practice
This podcast features an interview with Dr. Pamela Wible. I’ve been working on networking with other authors and experts who can speak to the issues that physicians face every day. For example, what can physicians do to become financially free and truly enjoy their job? How can they look forward to going to work every…
Dike Drummond, MD- How to Stop Physician Burnout
Check out Dike Drummond’s interview! As a matter of fact, this is the very first podcast episode that I ever recorded. Dike is an amazing guy and I know you’ll love the interview. Please forgive the audio quality as I called in on my cell phone- I sound like crud, but Dike sounds clear. Anyhow, what’s…