Welcome back to our monthly fireside chat with an expert in their field to get to know their journey, their joys, and their struggles with finances and outside of finances. This show is not always about actionable content. It is, however, a chance for you to see behind the curtains, to walk in another person’s…
Investing and Effective Management Strategies with M.C. Laubscher [producerswealth.com]
The Secrets of Tax Lien Investing Revealed with Joanne Musa from The Tax Lien Lady
The last year we’ve spent a lot of time talking about real estate. But maybe you just don’t have the interest. You may want to get a higher return on your money than you can in money market account or bank CD, but you don’t want to risk your savings in speculative investments and you…
Top 5 Financial Books for Doctors to Achieve a Millionaire Mindset
Hello Friends! Welcome back to the Freedom Formula for Physician’s Podcast, the podcast dedicated to helping you slash your debt, slash your taxes, and live a liberated lifestyle. We also have the mission of trying to create a hundred new physician multi-millionaires. Let’s get right into it, shall we? In this podcast episode today, you will: Discover what the…