Our next guest, Jennifer Thompson, has served as President of Insight Marketing Group since 2006 and helps physicians and private medical practices throughout the U.S. attract and retain patients and rock-star employees. Jennifer has 20+ years of experience in marketing and business development for start-up
organizations and as a marketing director for a Fortune 500 company.
In 2010 & 2014, Jennifer was elected to the Orange County Board of County Commissioners where she made decisions that impacted over 1.2 million citizens and 60+ million visitors. Jennifer was often recognized for her use of social media and community outreach in her elected role. In 2013, Jennifer’s company helped a client win the Social Madness competition in Central Florida and go on to place
8th nationally.
Jennifer is a serial entrepreneur who wakes up every day at 4 am ready to change the world. She has been invited to share her knowledge at multiple MGMA association meetings and conferences, the Florida Bones Conference, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and AOA-36 on the topics of social media, reputation management, and leadership. She is also the co-host of the
DrMarketingTips Podcast available on iTunes.
Please help me welcome Jennifer to the show!
In this podcast, you will discover…
– How Jennifer began serving physicians and her journey to get there
– What her words of wisdom are to physicians that are in practice and physicians that are transitioning to practice
– 3 decisions that you can make right now that can help your practice
Resources Mentioned In This Podcast
Insight Marketing Group and about Jennifer Thompson