When you’re a physician, debt is inevitable. You have to borrow money for school, and then when you graduate, you have to borrow even more just to get your start-up funds in order. And then there are the loans that come with buying a house or paying for your car… The good news is that…
An OB-GYN – Use Debt to Get Rid of Debt?
What Is The Debt Snowball And The Debt Avalanche?
So you’ve got a lot of debt. A lot. But you’re ready to do something about it. You know that you can never pay off that debt all at once—So what’s next? The Debt Snowball and the Debt Avalanche are two of the most misunderstood concepts in personal finance, but they’re also two of the…
Current Rates of Student Loans
The cost of a college education in the United States is astronomical, and if you’re considering attending college, you may be worried about how you can afford it. That’s not to mention the fact that statistics show that Americans now carry more student loan debt than ever before. If this has been a struggle for…
Bo Liu- Making It Rain Dollars in Debt Forgiveness
Have you struggled with trying to decide how to tackle your mountain of student debt? Have you felt like pulling your hair and throwing your hands up in frustration over all of these options? PSLF, IBR, PAYE, ICR, & REPAYE. All these acronyms floating around in your brain and you aren’t sure which one to…
7 Financial Lessons from The Doc Outside the Box- A Physician Fireside Chat with Dr. Nii Darko
Welcome back to our monthly fireside chat with a physician to get to know their journey, their joys, and their struggles with finances and outside of finances. This show is not always about actionable content. It is however a chance for you to see behind the curtains, to walk in another person’s shoes and experience…
2 Shades of Gray- A Fireside Chat with Dr. Ryan Gray
Have you ever wondered…. What would I do if I could never practice medicine again? This physician did. Find out how he overcame personal challenges and found a whole new passion in the process. Welcome back to our monthly fireside chat with a physician to get to know their journey, their joys, and their struggles…
Stand Out From the Crowd [A Physician Fireside Chat with Michele Colon, MD]
Welcome back to our monthly fireside chat with a physician to get to know their journey, their joys, and their struggles with finances and outside of finances. This show is not always about actionable content. It is however a chance for you to see behind the curtains, to walk in another person’s shoes and experience…
3 Financial Pitfalls of Residents & Fellows
Imagine this, picture this. You’re finally done with medical school! Dreams of reclaiming your time & diving into your profession, doing what you love are filling you with more and more excitement. You’re going to get paid! Well… maybe, not a whole lot, but you are still getting paid! Yet, in this transition to residency,…
Crush It- An Interview with Steve ‘The Hurricane’ Weiss
Have you felt frustrated and stuck in your practice? Are you concerned about the next productivity bonus or wondering what you are going to do in this era of declining reimbursements? You’re not alone. Nearly every physician I speak with is biting their nails, wondering what the future is going to hold. Have you been…
Soak It Up Like A Sponge [A Physician Fireside Chat with Dr. Bo Liu]
My name is Dave Denniston, your host. Welcome back to the latest episode of The Freedom Formula for Physicians Podcast. Welcome back to our monthly fireside chat with a physician to get to know their journey, their joys, and their struggles with finances and outside of finances. This show is not always about actionable content….